Write. Edit. Submit. Repeat.

I have written poems and short stories since I could hold a pen, but I really only started submitting to publications in 2021. Nothing like a global pandemic to get you to reassess your priorities, I guess.

In case you were wondering, the image shows one of my ‘dice doodles’. I draw and number pictures of things, people and places I find interesting. Whenever I run out of new ideas, I roll two dice to select some images, then try to find unexpected connections between them. Many of my published stories and poems started off this way.

lists, prizes and mentions

My poetry pamphlet “Breakwater,” which intertwines eco-poetry with an exploration of female infertility, was longlisted for Mslexia’s Women’s  Pamphlet Competition, judged by Imtiaz Dharker, in 2023.

Women on a Roll, a documentary by Alma Tabernero closes with a spoken-word poem, “Bearings”, which I wrote and voiced for the film. “Women on a Roll” won Best International Documentary at the 2023 Cinelubu Lebu International Film Festival.


bilingual prose poem:
“mother tongue”
Transformation: A Women Who Submit Anthology February 2024

Black Nore Review  
June 2024

shape poem:
“as you light up (your breath chemtrailing out the car window)”
Shooter Literary Magazine:
issue 18 (Nightlife), August 2024

“a ghazal for Doggerland”
Ink, Sweat and Tears
22nd September 2024

“Channel Seascape” and “still lives” (a palindrome) 
The Passionfruit Review
Issue 12, October 2024 (forthcoming)

Rust and Moth
Spring 2024 issue


“Campfire” andwreckage
Eunoia Review
June 2023

“harvest diptych”
Word Up Pages
Issue 01 (“Origins”), September 2023

interview with Brenda Miller on what’s beyond the physical

Passengers Journal
February 2023

just for fun / column:
Bear Necessities
Mslexia, Issue 98,
June 2023
Fun little column where writers submit images of things and explain why they are important to their writing process.


short story:
“Last Stop, Silence”
Treehouse Literary Review
Winter 2022 issue Chill Subs: “12 Short pieces of writing that brought the Wow factor.”

haiku sequence:
“Corona Seasons
San Antonio Review
May 2022

Prometheus Dreaming
e 4.2, March 2022

“monsters in the shape of people”
Wild Roof Journal
Issue 13, March 2022

spoken word:
Bearings (poem and voice)
appears in Women on a Roll—Amsterdam, a documentary short by Alma Tabernero
(also released online as a stand-alone film poem)
AlmaBuena Films, 2022

book review:
The World That the Shooter Left Us, Cyrus Cassells
Passengers Journal
July 2022
Read Four Way Books’ lovely response here.

Chiagoziem Confidence Jideofor: music, identity, and memory
Passengers Journal
October 2022


“Fairy tale ending”
Rust and Moth
Autumn 2021 issue

A Map of the Scars,,” “Found Art,” “Still Waters”
Willows Wept Review
issue 22, Autumn 2021

“Family Portrait”
Beyond Words
issue 18, September 2021